
Chief Marcia Harnden

Chief of Albany Police
Chief Harnden has been with the Albany Police Department since December 2019. Prior to her tenure at APD, she provided 25 years of public service to the Bellevue Police Department in Washington State. She served in many different specialty units at Bellevue Police and has extensive management and labor experience. Her command experience has been in Patrol, Traffic, Investigations, Narcotics, Human Trafficking, SWAT and Crisis Response. Her focus in on strengthening community partnerships and building trusted relationships to not only reduce crime but reduce the fear of crime. Chief Harnden holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Washington and Master’s Degree in Organizational and Applied Leadership from City University of Seattle. She is honored to serve the people of Albany and the men and women who work at the Albany Police Department.
2:00 – 3:00 PM Breakout Session

Monday 16th Sept

Leveraging Social Media for wellness, retention and recruiting

If you build it they will come. The Albany Police Department has leveraged its social media to build followers, recruit talent, tell their story, and showcase the wellness culture they have built.